

为了生成你的令牌, 你需要在开发者门户<https ://go.developer.ebay.com/> `_.创建一个开发者账号。一旦你登陆, 你可以点击按钮创建 沙箱 秘钥成品 秘钥


在秘钥创建后, 你可以得到你的用户令牌.这么做, 点击在页面底部的链接 得到一个用户令牌 。通过界面, 用你的eBay账号登陆, 然后你可以得到需要在Odoo里配置模块的秘钥和令牌。


为了设置eBay集成, 进入菜单 销售 ‣ 配置 ‣ 设置


首先选择你要使用的是成品还是eBay沙箱。然后填写字段 开发者秘钥 , 令牌 , APP 秘钥 , 认证秘钥 。申请变更。

一旦页面被重新载入, 你需要从eBay同步信息。 同步国家和货币 , 然后你可以填写其他字段。

当所有的字段被填写后, 你可以通过点击按钮同步种类和策略

Accept account deletion notifications

Since September 2021, eBay requires supporting customer account deletion/closure notifications. As such, when eBay receives an account request for deletion, all eBay partners must confirm the reception of the request and take further action if necessary.

Odoo has a notification endpoint to receive those notifications, confirm the reception of the request, and handle the first set of actions to anonymize the account details in Contacts and remove the customer’s access to the portal.


Make sure to correctly set up your subscription to the marketplace account deletion notifications as eBay may temporarily disable the related eBay account until the subscription is completed.

Verify your installation of Odoo is up to date

In order to activate the endpoint, the module eBay Connector - Account Deletion must be installed. If your Odoo database was first created after September 2021, the module is installed automatically and you can proceed to the next step.

Update Odoo to the latest release

The notification endpoint is made available through a new Odoo module; to be able to install it, you must make sure that your Odoo source code is up-to-date.

  • If you use Odoo on Odoo.com or Odoo.sh platform, your code is already up-to-date and you can proceed to the next step.

  • If you use Odoo with an on-premise setup or through a partner, then you must update your installation as detailed in this documentation page or by contacting your integrating partner.

Update the list of available modules

New modules must be discovered by your Odoo instance to be available in the Apps menu.

To do so, activate the developer mode, and go to Apps -> Update Apps List. A wizard will ask for confirmation.

Install the eBay Connector - Account Deletion update


You should never install new modules in your production database without testing them in a duplicate or staging environment. For Odoo.com customers, a duplicate database can be created from the database management page. For Odoo.sh users, you should use a staging or duplicate database. For on-premise users, you should use a staging environment - you should contact your integrating partner for more information regarding how to test a new module in your particular setup.

To install the module, go to the Apps menu, remove the Apps search facet and search for ebay. If the module eBay Connector - Account Deletion is present and marked as installed, your Odoo database is already up-to-date and you can proceed with the next step. If it is not yet installed, install it now.

Retrieve endpoint details from Odoo

The endpoint details can be found in Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings ‣ eBay. Click on Generate Token to retrieve your Verification Token.

Button to generate an eBay verification token in Odoo

Subscribe to account deletion notifications

Log in on the developer portal of eBay and go to Alerts & Notifications.

Overview of the Alerts & Notifications dashboard of eBay

To subscribe to deletion/closure notifications, eBay needs a few details:

  • An email address to send notifications to if the endpoint is unreachable.

  • The endpoint details:

    • The URL to Odoo’s account deletion notification endpoint

    • A verification token

Dedicated fields to enter the endpoint details


You can edit the last two fields once the email address field is filled out.

Verify the connectivity with the endpoint

After setting the retrieved endpoint details in eBay’s dashboard, consider testing the connectivity with the Send Test Notification button.

You should get the following confirmation message: “A test notification was sent successfully!”

Button to send test notification


如有你有大量产品,由于eBay强制规定的一定时间内请求数量限制,eBay API有时可能拒绝某些同步调用。

To fix this issue, a new implementation mechanism has been developed; however this updated mechanism is disabled by default to avoid having the 2 systems running in parallel in existing installations.


  1. Activate the developer mode.

  2. 前往 设置 ‣ 技术 ‣ 预定操作

  3. 存档旧的同步操作(二者名称都是*Ebay:更新产品状态*)

  4. 启用新的同步操作(Ebay:获取新订单,默认每15分钟运行一次,及*Ebay:同步库存(以便与“获取新订单”同步)*,默认每天运行一次)

  5. 确保两种操作的**下次执行日期**均为最近
